Third-party reproduction is an incredible journey, yet scary. There are many different parties involved and everyone is hoping for the same result: bringing a new life into the world.
And there’s so much to talk about! Between the intended parents, donors, surrogates, and their own families, everyone will be thinking about the transfer, pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
Building a family through third-party reproduction is a big deal. Sure it’s exciting – but it can also be a little bit scary.
But, you’re in luck! FSC offers the most notable support groups around.
Why is support so important?
People often assume that counseling, mentoring or support groups are only necessary when something goes wrong. But that’s not true at all.
The intended parents/surrogacy process is no walk in the park. There are fertility treatments, multiple appointments, scans, tests, and a lot of waiting. Even though intended parent(s) have a wonderful surrogate carrying the pregnancy, it’s quite natural to feel a little bit emotional. Perhaps even a little nervous or afraid.
Nobody should have to go through this process alone. That’s why we are here to help!
Support for Intended Parents
Intended parent(s) are about to embark on a magical journey. After all – it’s your baby on the way! Whether you’re a couple or a single intended parent, you might be facing a whole spectrum of emotions: hope, wonder, excitement, worry, joy, and more. But more importantly, you may have come from the pain of infertility, loss, and other failed attempts to grow your family.
All intended parents need people they can turn to for advice and support: people who understand where you’ve been and can help you move past your grief until you feel ready for surrogacy.
That’s why our team at Family Source Consultants is here to make the process as smooth and seamless as possible. Rightfully so, TeamFSC is comprised of previous intended parents ourselves, so we know just how you’re feeling.
Monthly support group for FSC Intended Parents offered virtually:
Every third-party reproduction journey is personalized and unique in its own way. This is where you must ask yourself: Who do you have to talk to that will help you make a decision? Who will be there for you throughout the next few months, years, and beyond? Who can you call on when you need to share your fears, cry a little, or shriek for joy?
Now’s the time – get excited!
We have launched an intended parent(s) online support group that will take place once a month that is led by Marriage and Family Therapists with more than nineteen years’ experience working in the field of reproductive medicine.
FSC hopes that our intended parents, whether waiting to become matched with their surrogate and/or egg donor, who are currently matched, expecting or no matter where you are at within your journey, will join our FREE support group.
The topics of the monthly support group will vary, with the combinations of family building via surrogacy and egg donation.
Ready to get involved?
Fantastic! We can’t wait to meet you.
Please reach out to your FSC Case Manager for additional information.
Although the virtual support groups will be hosted on a live video-streaming platform, you will still have all the privacy and freedom you desire. Video is optional, real names are not required nor have to be used and audio can be muted at your leisure.
Best wishes and see you soon!
Family Source Consultants