People are naturally curious when it comes to Surrogacy. As a Surrogate, you’ll get asked some pretty strange questions, so having a response ready is helpful when you’re caught off guard.
Here are the Top 5 questions you’ll probably be asked and some answers that you can use, depending on how hormonal you’re feeling that day. ;)
1) Isn’t it going to be hard to give up the baby?
Mild: “Since the baby isn’t mine, I’m not giving it up. I’m giving it back to his/her parents.”
Wild: “Nah. It’s just a really intense version of babysitting!”
2) How much are they paying you?
Mild: “Bringing a baby into the world for deserving parent(s) is priceless.”
Wild: “How much do YOU get paid?”
3) Did you get pregnant the “old fashioned” way?
Mild: “No, the embryo was created from his (or donor) sperm and her (or donor) egg, then implanted in me via IVF. I’m not genetically linked to the baby at all.”
Wild: “If by old fashioned, you mean in a clinic, with a fertility doctor, then yes.”
4) Do you ever wish you didn’t do it?
Mild: “No, helping someone fulfill their dreams of becoming a parent was an amazing experience.”
Wild: “No, but I do wish I never told you.”
5) Your husband was ok with another man getting you pregnant?
Mild: “He’s actually been a great support system. I couldn’t have done this without him.”
Wild: “He doesn’t know yet.”
What other questions have you been asked? How did you respond?