Family Source Consultants accepts surrogates who reside in the United States into our program. Currently, no nationwide law governs surrogacy in the United States; each state has its specific surrogacy laws. Even if Intended Parents reside in a state or country where surrogacy or “paid surrogacy” is considered illegal or the laws are undefined, they can still pursue surrogacy to build their family. Intended Parents will be matched with a Surrogate who resides and will deliver in a “surrogacy-friendly” state.

Surrogacy laws in the United States and around the world are continually evolving. To ensure compliance and legal security, Family Source Consultants is pleased to recommend Intended Parents to a reputable collaborative reproduction attorney who can provide professional legal counsel. While Family Source Consultants can assist in determining the surrogacy laws applicable in your particular state, we are not qualified to offer legal advice. Therefore, when working with our agency, you will be referred to a reputable collaborative reproduction attorney who can provide you with the necessary professional legal counsel. This ensures that all parties are fully informed and protected throughout surrogacy.

Staci Swiderski, CEO and owner of Family Source Consultants has been involved in the field of reproductive medicine since 2002. Staci has vigorously grown the comprehensive egg donation and gestational surrogacy agency to become a worldwide leader in the third-party reproduction field. Staci is a former intended parent herself. She and her husband welcomed their son via gestational surrogacy in 2005. Additionally, Staci had the experience of assisting an infertile couple (AKA Recipient Parents) build their family through her efforts as an egg donor, with her donation resulting in the births of their son and daughter.