With the holiday season upon us, many Intended Parents, Egg Donors and Surrogates may be feeling like showing their love and appreciation for one another through gift giving. However, thinking of the right gift can be tricky considering the unique relationship formed through third party reproduction. We’ve came up with a few pointers to hopefully help you think of the perfect gesture.
Write a Card
In today’s digital age, the idea of handwritten letters has been pushed to the wayside due to texting, emailing, tweeting and every other form of digital communication. Taking the time to write out a thoughtful note will be more than likely bring a smile to their face. Surrogacy and Egg Donation is an amazingly intimate experience and sending a personal note will be appreciated more than you may anticipate.
Keep it Simple
Whether you are wanting to give a gift to the Intended Parent(s) or vice versa, keep it simple when it comes to giving a gift. Depending on what stage of the pregnancy it is, a framed photo of the ultrasound or of all of you together is a wonderful gesture. Making something homemade like baked goods or a homemade gift basket will also be sure to be a gift they’ll enjoy and appreciate.
Make it Heartfelt
Personalizing your gift will convey that you truly care. For Intended Parents, giving a gift to the Surrogate/Egg Donor that will help them relax is something they’ll be sure to love. Do they have a favorite show, type of food or book author? How do they spend their free time? The answers to these questions will help guide to something useful yet thoughtful that will help show your appreciation.
Most importantly, show your appreciation in the way it is fitting for you and your Intended Parent(s), Egg Donor or Surrogate. Not all relationships are the same so do what is comfortable for the relationship you have with them. No matter how you choose to show your appreciation, they’ll be sure to be happy you thought of them; so don’t stress!