We’re very impressed about how thorough FSC was and their dedication to helping families like us make our dreams come true. From the moment we signed in the contract until we had our daughter and even up until now, they kept checking on how are we doing and we greatly appreciate it. – FSC Parents M&J
M&J considered adoption before beginning their research into surrogacy. With the help of an incredible egg donor and TeamFSC surrogate, they welcomed a daughter in 2019.
How did you first hear about surrogacy?
When we were exploring our options to add a member to our family we did our own research and considered adoption first. We visited several orphanages in the Philippines and tried to work with them but unfortunately, it didn’t work out for us. That’s when we started looking into surrogacy and reached out to a few agencies. We finally decided to go with FSC based on their experience, reputation, and reviews online.
How did you tell friends and family and how did they react?
Our families were supportive of our plans. We’re very open, honest, and transparent, so we had no issues in telling them. And of course, they were supportive throughout the journey.
What was your favorite memory of your journey?
Our journey was so smooth because of all the hard work FSC provided. The dedication of every staff was amazing. But we believe our favorite part of the journey was the moment we saw the nurse pushing the cart toward us and finally able to carry her in our arms. It was such a magical moment that we will never forget.
Do you have any advice for intended parents who are just starting out?
Do your own research and ask as many questions as you want. And have a lot of patience, since it’s not always sunshine and rainbows! There might be heartaches and disappointments, but know that the best thing will work out for you.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming a parent through surrogacy or egg donation, request a no-cost consultation with one of our Client Relations Managers today!