What led you to become an Egg Donor?
I have always wanted to be a surrogate for a family struggling with fertility. After coming of the age, I called FSC, and I was informed that I would need to be currently raising a child of my own. They informed me what egg donation was and I was immediately interested.
Who was your most significant support person(s) throughout your journey?
My roommate was my biggest support throughout the process. He was there for me through every mood swing and injection. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend to go through it with.
What made you decide to be closed/semi-open/open with your Intended Parents?
I was pretty open to any sort of donation, so I left it to the Intended Parent. This turned out to be really open, and I even had the opportunity to meet my Intended Parent. It was a really cool experience, to say the least.
Do you have advice for women who are interested in becoming an Egg Donor?
I’d say go in confident you are doing this for the right reasons. I had a lot of people in my family who didn’t necessarily agree with my decision, but knowing I was doing it for myself and the Intended Parents was what got me through. It is a really beautiful gift to give a family, and I think that’s special.
I really couldn’t ask for better people to go through this with. FSC’s Program Coordinators were so responsive and always checked in. Anytime I had questions, with it being my first time, they were always there. I would absolutely recommend FSC to anyone!