So you’ve decided to become a Gestational Surrogate! You’ve made up your mind and shared the decision with your family. You also meet all the criteria to become a gestational surrogate and are ready to submit your application.
As you begin to fill out your application with Family Source Consultants, there are a few questions you will want to consider about your preference for the type of Intended Parents you would like to be matched with. It is very important to our agency that we find a good match for both the Surrogate and Intended Parents.
What are some options to consider when looking for your Intended Parents? Here are some decisions to think about before you are matched.
This stands for Single Embryo Transfers (SET) or Double Embryo Transfers (DET). Some Surrogates and Intended Parents prefer to transfer two embryos to increase the chance of at least one resulting in a live birth. Increasing the amount of embryos can also result in twins, which is some cases, can increase the chance of the babies being born prematurely. You must decide, would you only like to carry one baby or are you open to carrying twins or even triplets?
Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
It is important that both the Surrogate and Intended Parents feel the same way and have the same termination stance as we will be sure all parties have the same beliefs before moving forward.
International or Domestic?
Do you prefer to carry for Intended Parents that are from the United States or also open to other countries? Since Surrogacy is not legal in many other countries as well as some states, we see Intended Parents come to us from near and far. Some Surrogates prefer Intended Parents from the U.S. so they can be physically closer while other Surrogates like the experience of learning about a new culture and gaining friends from a diverse background.
Same Sex, Heterosexual or Single?
Do you want to be matched with a single person or couple? Would you like to be matched with a gay couple or prefer a heterosexual couple?
These are just some of the important questions you will answer in your application. We pride ourselves on making wonderful matches between Intended Parents and Surrogates, therefore, the more we learn of your expectations, the better the matching experience will be. Our matching process is very delicate and we will only share profiles of Intended Parents with you that meet your criteria.
If you are considering becoming a surrogate or have additional questions, there are several ways to get in-touch with our agency. You can call us at (800) FSC-0529, email us at or complete the application on our website.