What led you to become a Surrogate?
I originally planned on carrying for my best friend. She went another route and adopted 3 beautiful children. I still had a desire to help someone, so I contacted FSC. The rest is history!
What made you decide to choose your Intended Parents?
We just hit it off. They also had family in my very small town, so it seemed like fate.
Who has been your biggest support person and why?
My husband was such an incredible supporter. My OB was, also, super supportive. I know she’s my OB and they should be, but she was so excited and involved.
What are some of the highlights of your journey?
This was our rainbow surrogacy. It was very scary, so the birth was so incredible. Their faces when they saw their baby was so beautiful. (Kaitlyn and her Intended Parents were faced with the loss of twins at 23 weeks in 2016.)
What did you find was the biggest misconception people had about surrogacy?
People think it’s my baby or that I will become too attached. In reality, I was so excited to give him back to his parents!!
How has becoming a surrogate impacted your life?
It made me realize how precious life is and I can not take anything for granted. It changed my mindset. I also gained a new family!
How was this pregnancy different from your other pregnancies?
This pregnancy was so much easier! I didn’t have any morning sickness and I felt awesome the whole time!
Do you have advice for women who are interested in becoming a gestational surrogate?
Talk to FSC!!! They were so helpful and can discuss all of your fears. And have a great support team!
I absolutely loved FSC. They were so supportive and helped so much. I am so excited to do another journey with them. Everyone is incredible!