We had experienced some delays but that was on the part of my health insurance. Our first transfer did not take. I was heartbroken for the family. They had to start the process over with a new egg donor. So that meant they had to come back to Chicago. I was lucky enough to meet them and fell in love, it really was a perfect match. We went out to dinner. They don’t speak English, so I brought my friend along who is bilingual. We sat there for a few hours. It was wonderful to get to know them in person. The transfer was then scheduled for July. Nine days after the transfer I got a big fat positive! A couple weeks after that we found out it was twins! This pregnancy has been great. I’m due March 19th. My previous deliveries have been C-sections, so we are just waiting for the delivery date to be scheduled. I am most excited to see the joy and the love on the parent’s faces when these two beautiful little boys are born. This really has been a privilege for me to be a part of making a miracle.
We encourage and welcome Surrogates, Egg Donors, and Intended Parents to submit their stories for publication. If anyone is interested in submitting their story to published on our blog contact your Program Coordinator.